Residential Disinfection Services

Many of the bird species in India are good to have around, thanks to their attractive plumage and attention grabbing birdsong. However, when a large number of birds flock together in a roosting site, it can lead to serious consequences such as:

  1. Contamination of raw materials and finished goods, causing revenue losses.
  2. Birds can cause property damage by dislodging roof tiles, blocking guttering system with their nests and leaving droppings that corrode building material.
  3. Safety risks to employees and customers – slippery bird droppings may cause slip and fall accidents.
  4. Suspension of business and audit failures due to poor hygiene sighted during inspection.
  5. Food contamination that may lead to business closure/ suspension by public health authorities.
  6. Negative impact on business image and reputation.
  7. Awful sight of bird droppings can discourage potential customer from patronizing.
  8. Bird droppings may fall on customers, resulting in negative reviews from the bad experience and potentially complaints.
  9. Birds can become aggressive and attack the employees or customers, especially during their breeding season when they are

Bird control solutions

While most birds in their natural environment are perfectly harmless, birds can host more than 60 transmittable diseases, including salmonellosis, encephalitis and cryptococcosis. Besides posing potential danger to people’s health, they can also put your business at risk. The key in getting rid of bird infestation is early detection and effective bird deterrent methods by an expert pest controller.

All Services:

  • Bird Spikes Services
  • Sparrow Netting Services
  • Pigeon Netting Services
  • Home Cleaning Services
  • Anti Cimex Services, offers specialized and tailor-made commercial and house cleaning services, including comprehensive solutions like deep cleaning and express cleaning.
  • Houses in India can be a victim to a lot of dust and dirt and hence regular house cleaningcan go along way in improving the quality of life while keeping away all disease-causing bacteria and germs.
  • Cleaning can be a tiresome chore, especially for working professionals for whom time is an important asset. Our customers can opt for any type of home cleaning servicedepending on the need and the budget while anticipating a spic and span house.
  • Anti Cimex Services’s best seller, the deep cleaning servicewill ensure every corner of the house is spotless and pristine while you relax and not let the burden of a dirty house worry you.
  • Anti Cimex Services also provides specific kitchenor bathroom cleaning, two rooms which require regular attention as compared to other areas of the house. Peculiar cleaning of curtains, mattress or even fridge are also offered as a part of home cleaning services.
  • Furthermore, Anti Cimex Services caters to specific requests as well like pre-event cleaning service to give your house the festive ambience or after party cleaning service to clear up the mess. In addition, Anti Cimex Services also provides a unique car cleaning serviceright at your doorstep with a proper interior and exterior sanitization of the vehicle.

Termite Management Services

Termites are a group of insect that mostly feed on dead plant materials, with the ability to digestcellulose. Subterranean termites, the most destructive wooden pest in the world, build their colonies in the soil and usually work their way above ground to reach wood or any other cellulose source. In search for food, subterranean termites will forage into homes from below the ground level right up to the highest point of the roof thrust. Over time, termite damage can become significant on door frames, kitchen cabinets, staircase and wooden flooring. Termites are particularly troublesome pests as they can cause serious damage to your home or workplace, and are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Often, they thrive discreetly and in inaccessible spots. Do-It-Yourself anti-termite treatments like termite spray might not be able to treat termite infestation at the root level, especially in the case of large termite colonies Getting termite treatment from an expert pest control brand is the best way to remove termites from your property and safeguarding your precious belongings.

How to get rid of termites

Anti Cimex Services offers both pre-construction and post-construction anti-termite treatments toensure your home and property are protected from destructive termite attacks.

Post-construction termite treatment: Our specialized post-construction anti-termite treatment acts as a protection against damages caused by subterranean termites for existing homes and business
premises. Anti Cimex Services carries out an expert inspection using exclusive Termatrac™, cutting-edge termite detection technology that uses RADAR sensors for detection, which reduces the need for exploratory drilling at your premise.

At Anti Cimex Services, we use only government approved termite treatment chemicals. This ensures a safe environment during and after termite treatment. The treatment comes with a five-year warranty for isolated structure/building which means that Anti Cimex Services will carry out a re-treatment if re-infestation were to occur within the contract period. We also provide a basic clean up after completion of the service. Call us today at 08800723322 to book a service.

Residential Disinfection Services

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